Congratulations to all of our teams who, despite some mechanical issues, made it to Monaco. (It wouldn’t be Scumrun without some car problems let’s be honest!)
What a cracking weekend!
We are delighted to announce the winners of Scumrun 2023 are as follows:
Spirit of Scumrun – Team Rusty Splinter.
Best dressed Scum – Team Shake and Bake
Best modified car – Team Bandit
Best dressed car – JJ Mclure Racing
Top fundraisers:
1st – Team Bubble and Squeak
2nd – Team Hoonda Massive
3rd – Team Rusty Splinter
Congratulations to all of our winners, and all of our entrants. A great bunch, and we loved meeting those newbies for the first time!
We will calculate the fundraising total at the end of June to allow teams to gather in offline donations (and any other online donations too!) Watch this space for an update to follow – Happy Days Children’s Charity
Scumrun 2024 Dates & Entries
Plans for next year are already in the pipeline and we’ll be changing this up again. You know we don’t like to sit still here over at Scumrun HQ!
We will have a UK Scumrun Event, involving some great driving and opportunities for new and old teams to get together. Date to be announced but will be around spring time.
In the interest of disclosing the route ahead of time, in the autumn we will be taking Scumrun to the Nurburgring. Entry classes will be open to low value cars, and higher value cars alike and you’ll be able to get your fix of driving around one of the world’s most famous circuits. A definite bucket list item if you’ve not been before. It’s really something to behold! The route there and back, will remain a secret.
Dates for next year’s two events to be announced 1 July 2023, and entries open to the public.
Spaces will be limited.
Early bird spots will be available to teams who have entered a previous Scumrun. Anyone wanting early bird registration can contact us via DM or email info@scumrun.co.uk and we’ll ensure you receive info to book when it’s out.
Thanks as ever to each and every team, and to our support team. It’s been an epic weekend for an excellent cause and we adored meeting new friends and spending time with some oldies too.
Until next time
Scumrun HQ