How to enter Scumrun without any planning? (Tip 1) How to enter Scumrun without any planning? (Tip 1)
1 – Visit and search cars, making sure to narrow your search to max budget £550 and vehicles with Tax / Mot 2 – From... How to enter Scumrun without any planning? (Tip 1)

1 – Visit and search cars, making sure to narrow your search to max budget £550 and vehicles with Tax / Mot

2 – From your list disregard anything without a ‘V’ engine wise. Popular choices are V8 but we have had V12 and V6 before.

3 – Ideally you should now be looking at a list of motorway cruisers. Carefully locate the ones situated in the most remote parts of the UK (they tend to be cheaper as nobody wants to travel)

4 – Make contact with the owner and explain the reason for the purchase (this sometimes secures a further discount) Even if the seller has a BIN price it’s always worth messaging them direct to see if they have any charitable feelings to drop the price.

5 – Pay via EBAY – this is important if you are to have any security. Once purchased head over to and enter the details of the purchase and sit back and wait for the quotes to transport it home.

6- Once it arrives – check the oil and water and once satisfied it will do 3000 miles of hard driving filled with party goers close the door and lock it up. An oil reading just on the dipstick is more than enough oil to keep the car going, adding fresh oil or over filling can be damaging for old cars so don’t risk it.

7 – Call round your mates and filter out those who are up for doing something different. Disregard any that might have tendencies to moan on long car journeys or like the sound of their own voice (this is important) Disregard anyone who doesn’t drink, regardless if they say they can still have just as much fun, trust us they’re lying to you.

8 – Once the hardcore crew is formed split the vehicle purchase costs between the team and enter two of you via the rest can either pay on the day or prior to the launch. Tap your Boss or Employer up to cover the entry costs for some exposure on the car.

9 – Clear your diary as all your free time until the Launch will be taken up with ideas about how to change the perfectly working car sat outside into something unusual ready for the trip. Whilst discussing the modifications over the months ahead it’s worth taking the occasional look under the car to see if it has started to cry tears of black pain. If it has its best to throw some sand on the floor so as not to alert any panic in your team mates – everyone likes a surprise after all!

10 – Setup your fundraising page and print off hard copy sponsor forms, these should be handed out to pubs / work place etc and the aim here is to make sure every single one of your friends knows exactly all the plans ahead for your team. Once they’ve heard it the second or third time you find they are more willing to sponsor you in the hope you don’t bother them again. Give it a week and then chase them again for a second round of fundraising, this will result in them giving up somebody else who will also sponsor you in a weak effort to divert your attention away from them. You need to be smart here as any info you have on these people is worth mentioning at this stage as blackmail can result in good fundraising especially following the Festive party season.

11- Pack lightly, contrary to what you may have read about Scumrun you only really require one full outfit. Everything else can be overcome from items purchased from petrol stations and supermarkets meaning more room for beverages. Teams are encouraged to recycle clothing throughout the trip but remember if things get really bad you are allowed to use LNYX and Fabreeze on yourself – note Fabreeze is perfectly safe to use as a deodorant and was originally destined to become a rival to RightGuard

12 – Arrive at the Launch with a sense of humour and appetite for adventure. If you are the designated driver on route to the launch note any team members who don’t fall within this category are best to be left behind at the services on route. Nobody is going to de-friend you for leaving ‘boring Dave’ at the Esso on the M25 in fact the story along will generate free drinks on the first night.

13 – Take duplicates of all your documents, passports/ drivers licence etc and place these somewhere your team mates wouldn’t think to look. Good suggestions for hiding places tend to be under the bonnet as you’ve already checked the oil in the UK so no need to go under the bonnet anymore. There’s something about leaving the UK in a vehicle that stands out like a sore thumb that turns everyone into children therefore be on your guard at all times, whilst having duplicates of the documents your friends have just thrown overboard on the ferry is great news they won’t allow you re-entry into the UK. They will however speed up the process of gaining entry and reduce the time period you will be subjected to questioning in Europe. You will find it hard enough trying to explain why you are dressed as Jimmy Saville touring Europe raising money for Children (Note – Other costumes are available)

Easy……….Job Done! and for everything else there’s MasterCard and if MasterCard doesn’t work the telephones do and Family are always at the end of it waiting to help – it gives them purpose and content for their stories moving forward about how they assisted you that time when you were being stripped searched in France

Enter now and be part of the movement!

Scumrun Team