Booking the Ferry!
Blog March 4, 2017 Scumrun Team

So this is the week that ‘Dave’ read about in one of the newsletters some weeks ago but forgot to mention it to the other team members. Luckily for you, teams don’t have to rely on ‘Dave’ as we are on hand to remind you!
Not only can we provide you the information you need to book the ferry but we can do this without involving ‘Dave’ meaning there’s less chance of you getting it wrong!
So what do you need to do? well, it’s quite easy…..just follow the steps below.
1 – Pick up the phone (mobile or landline) and call 0844 576 8845 (Best to use your own phone as ‘Dave’ will most likely have a ‘Lidl / Aldi Net contract’ and no minutes left.
2 – A nice operator will answer and once you’ve been polite and said hello you just need to quote ‘Scumrun 2017’ if you don’t say anything else it’s important to say ‘Scumrun 2017’ (please note we mentioned this twice so it sticks in your head)
3 – A series of questions will follow but don’t panic there’s no pass or fail these are questions you should know or can find the answers for. Vehicle make and model (normally displayed on the car), registration number (again displayed in large letters on the front and rear)
4 – Next is the tough one….passengers in the car. Well obviously it goes without saying you will make sure you’re booked in but at this point, you will probably discover you don’t actually know the surname of your friends…. so worthwhile having this info with you before you make the call. You won’t need dates of birth just names etc.
5 – You also won’t have to quote any ferry times or anything like that and once booked you will get a reference number (they will also send this via email so worth making sure you double check the email you provide (we’d suggest not using Daves email for this)
6 – If you have yet to purchase the vehicle or confirmed whether it will make it for the event don’t panic…..you can put any registration down at this point and merely change it prior to departure.
Full info re the booking etc is shown below, if you fail to book this by the 9th March the ferry operator will release any spaces not purchased back to the general public meaning you might not get on our boat. Vouchers for the food and drink will be handed out on the ferry once we have settled into our own function room on board.
So to recap (mainly for ‘Dave’) you need to call 0844 576 8845 and quote ‘SCUMRUN 2017’ Bookings can be taken Mon – Friday 9am – 5.30pm.
Details of the crossing are as follows but the Ferry Operator will have all of this under the reference ‘SCUMRUN 2017’ so don’t worry about remembering these at this stage.
Dover – Dunkerque 11/05/17 @ 1400
Dunkerque – Dover 15/05/2017 @ 2000
Price includes up to 5 passengers in each car at £165/car which includes drinks and canapes on the outbound leg and drinks only on the return all served in our private area. A dedicated lane for check-in will be present for all SCUMRUN vehicles at the port.
BOOKINGS CLOSE 9th MARCH when all currently held space will be released to the general public.
Scumrun will also receive a full list of all confirmed bookings so we will have this to hand should teams arrive mid-argument with ‘Dave’ about how he never received any emails or has lost the reference code so don’t panic.